
Showing posts from August, 2023

Just not that gay

I've come to the realization that I am only as gay as the kardashians are Armenian. To be apart of a specific cultural group one has to exemplify certain features or practices of a group. The kardashians might have the thick luscious hair along with the dark features of their heritage, however they lack the language and traditions of their ancestry and primarily their culture. Most importantly, for smaller ethnic groups, having the ability to speak the native language is the key to being identified as belonging to that culture. The language is the only thing that holds a diaspora close together over generations. The same can be said to an extent about Latin American youth growing up within very mainstream environments and not possessing Spanish speaking abilities. Through language is how their customs, traditions, and practices have transcended generations and preserved its uniqueness. Being apart of any group whether a cultural or ethnic requires you to have certain features and b

Love Letter to Who

When writing this I'm trying hard to not paint a picture of what you look like. I am trying my best to not think of what kind of hair you have, the color, the build you were born with or how you dress. I'm assuming you're a man though, maybe with some boyish looks. When I say I love you, I want that stern face to break with a smile. When I tell you how much you mean to me, I hope it causes a smile to break your stern face. I hope it causes your blood to rush and that you remember you're my biggest crush. I love you for all the moments you smile. I hope you remember all the times you have laughed and will laugh with me. I hope  When you look at me I want your eyes to tell me me how you feel when I hold you without a word being spoken. I desire a partner that brings the adventurous side out of me. I crave a partner whose romance doesn't lead me to question our bond. A lover who has passion in and out of bed. And when in bed that passion is fitting for a romance novel.

Bitter is for the Better

The past few months I've asked myself, wouldn't it be better just to be like everyone else? For a minute now I've craved to be detached, numb, and quite simply careless. Just having myself in a state where names of people and their recurrence in my life matter no more. I feel that today, this is the safest set of feelings to have and a position to hold when the cast and characters in your own little world are ever so changing.  When you've been worn down and exhausted from all these emotions it's either you detach yourself to the point you're numb or you psycho analyze everything to the point you're bitter. I'm sadly at the point where I'm bitter, I'm working on it. It leads me to wonder do I go numb just to please others without my negativity or stay bitter so I can have some remembrance of emotions and passion.  You don't just wake up one day and start to feel or believe this way. It's a series of disappointments and failures by people